Meet the Personal Trainer: Florian Pillin

By Paulien van Embden | 02 Jan 2022 | Testimonials

1. Can you introduce yourself ?

My name is Florian Pillin (@florianpillin), I am 25 years old. I studied ‘Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie’ at the University of Antwerp. I have been inspired by sports for nearly all of my life. I practices different kind of disciplines, from soccer, rugby to water polo until I eventually ended up in the gym. I first started exercising here when I was 14 years old. From the age of 16 I started teaching group classes which I’m still doing today with a lot of passion. Besides being a group class instructor I also work as a Physiotherapist at @royal_antwerp_fc (Royal Antwerp Football Club) and as a Personal Trainer at ‘Christof Simon Kinesitherapie’. I love working and helping people. Whether they are healthy or injured doesn’t matter, I believe everyone can set their own goals and achieve them. Living by this code I truly hope I can make a difference in making a fitter planet for as much people as possible.

2. Why did you choose PCA for your education ?

Because of the great reviews, recommendations and quality of education. And I can say the same about PCA after finishing my NASM program!

3. What did the NASM accreditation bring you ?

First of all it brought me the freedom of finally setting up my own personal training business by becoming a licensed Personal Trainer. Besides, it brought me a lot of insights in programming and assessing clients.

4. What is your specialization ?

My specialization is exercise therapy/rehab and return to sport & performance.

5. What is the coolest exercise you like to do with your clients and why ?

This has to be the classic ‘barbell squat’. For me this is not only one of the best moves to assess progress in strength, mobility, motor control and core strength in my clients, but also an amazing exercise for whole body integration.

6. What is the most fulfilling part in coaching others ?

Letting people feel that exercising can be extremely fun and can easily be integrated in daily life as long as you make time for it.

7. What is your favorite quote ?

"Use it or lose it!"

About the author: Paulien van Embden

PCA Co-owner, Director