First Aid in the Workplace

Unfortunately, accidents and strokes can happen anywhere and at any time. In your company too. Proper first aid can save lives and limit the serious consequences of these incidents. Our "First Aid in the Workplace" Pack allows you to take care of the safety of your employees and your customers, adults or children.

This Pack includes two courses: CPR/AED and First Aid. This combination allows you to have all the necessary knowledge to rescue a victim, whether it is an adult, a child or a newborn.  

Illness, fracture, bleeding, airway obstruction or cardiac arrest: these are all situations where it is important to stay calm and react quickly in order to help the victim and prevent the situation from getting worse.

Thanks to our partnership with DAN Europe, we are recognized by the Belgian Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue to deliver the "First Aid in the Workplace" certification. Good to know: each employer is responsible for the organization of First Aid and is obliged, depending on the size of the company, to have a certain number of trained First Aiders.

How does it work?

Lessons – You complete the modules at your own pace starting with the CPR/AED course.

Price – Purchase the Package and you’ll benefit from a discount compared to purchasing all modules separately. You will of course be entitled to the same subsidies which we grant for each module separately.

Enrol – Enrolment happens in two steps. First, you register for the package and pay the invoice. Then, you simply confirm via your personal dashboard the dates on which you wish to follow the different modules that make up your Package.

Questions ? Do you have any questions ? Do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to discuss with you the solution that best suits your needs.

Courses in this Package

Register for First Aid in the Workplace.

Price (tax incl.): €295.00

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Would you like to apply for a subsidy?

You might be eligible for a government subsidy.

More info about subsidies ›

BLACKROLL Personal Trainer's Set

We created a high-quality Personal Trainer's set to help you get started. This set is composed of must-have tools that belong in any trainer's arsenal.

More info about the Personal Trainer's Set ›

Conditions of participation

You must be at least 18 years old.